C R E A T I V E    M E N T O R I N G
​​​​​​​I am passionate about creating and cultivating practices that fuel your creativity, helping you access the parts of you that are original and unique to you. Your craft should be fulfilling - something that sustains you as an artist, but also as a human being.
I believe that we all have an inner mentor we can tap into that holds for us a well of resources. I also believe that we need others to help us tap into that well. A mentor should not be someone trying to create us into their image, but someone who might help us access our own unique voice. From my own mentors, I have learned that a permission to play, honest feedback about my work and process, and thoughtful questions are the key ingredients for a meaningful mentorship.

Let's go out for coffee!*
*an hour-long, complimentary conversation at your favourite cafe  :) 
In this hour-long, complimentary conversation, I'd love to hear your story, 
all about the work you are creating, and some of the challenges
you are facing or questions you are working your way through.  
A sounding board (in real life) is something placed over or behind a stage
to reflect a speaker's voice
forwardI love that imagery!
It is often your 
own voice that you need reflected back to you
Perhaps having me as a sounding board is all you need to move forward with some clarity.
Taking it further!
However, through our conversation you might sense that there is more for you to explore or learn. 
In that case, we can talk about what services I can provide for you that might be helpful.
After we meet I will send you some options and it's up to you if you want to go further. 
Current offerings:
Exercises & practices for nourishing your creative spirit and listening to your inner voice
Photography homework to bring more clarity to your own unique style
Working to create a more specific vision for your art / work
In depth portfolio review to help you know what you really have & where you might go next
Self-portrait mentorship
Photo editing (with an emphasis on skin tones, as well as black and white conversions)
One-on-one Film Photography mentoring & workshops
Other (do you have something else in mind?
Do you see something in my work and process that might be able to spur you along?)
I look forward to connecting with you regardless of the stage of life and art you are in!
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